I dig the website. What theme, plugin, platform, or secret whispered word is it, so I can get it too?

Published: Sep 5th 2020

This is Lexia Snowe, the site designer and coder (and photographer and copywriter).

First, thank you so much. For the longest time I've wanted to mount an online photo journal for my work. I create almost as many pictures as I do words, and all those images have mainly done, in the past few years, is metastasize on my laptop.

I hand-coded this site myself in HTML/CSS. I don't use Wordpress, SquareSpace, themes, schemes, or any sort of widget mcgidget for publishing web pages. All of those platforms and coding short cuts come with a Heathrow of baggage. I'm a born-again fan of web minimalism, both visually and in the coding, so I prefer to create from scratch or hella close to scratch. (I used to make websites that were the HTML equivalent of Times Square, until I wore myself out and realized minimalism is so much better.)

If you want to create something like this site for yourself, know that I gratefully used Magnific Pop-Up and Super Simple Slider as the primer coat for my image interface -- and you could too.
